
Our restaurant is proud to offer our signature Unadon, which is made with carefully selected domestic eel. The eel is steamed in the Kanto style and then grilled over Binchotan charcoal. The small bones are carefully removed, making it safe for small children and those who are concerned about bones. The rice is freshly cooked each time, and is fluffy and flavorful. The eel’s umami is infused into the rice, creating a perfect taste. We serve the Unadon in a lacquerware bowl, which further enhances the eel’s umami. The Unadon is served with a seasonal dish, liver soup, pickles, and dessert. We hope you will come and experience the ultimate pleasure of enjoying the umami of eel at our restaurant. *We take great care to remove the bones, but we apologize if there are any bones left.






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